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First Days Activities
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2
Submitted by: Lisa Slaughter, 2nd Grade

For the last several years, we have started back with students in the middle of the week. Those "odd" days I have spent slowly introducing the classroom rather than begin active lessons. A new grade level and classroom is so overwhelming... there is so much so to see and do! I make a word search using my new class list and have a crossword puzzle (or similiar "seat work") available. I set out many math manipulatives for free exploration. Learning Centers are a big hit in my room--so, I have really neat ones out that first week. We spend those first days going over discipline, listening skills, and procedures. Even the first full week of school, we go slow--introducing each text book one at a time. I don't even pass them out until we are ready to use them.



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