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First Day Name Puzzle
Grade Level(s): 1-2, 3-5
Submitted by: Carmen, 1st Grade

On the first day of school, I like to make a name puzzle with my students. I take a large piece of poster board, and mark out lines that can be cut into pieces. Make sure that the puzzle will have enough pieces for each student to have one. We all gather on the floor to write our name on the blank side of the poster board. I write my name in the middle, and the students write their name in all different directions. When I have free time, I cut the board into puzzle pieces. As a class we each find the spot where our puzzle piece belongs. Tape the puzzle together after school, and post it on the wall in the classroom. When the students return the next day, the will be excited to see the puzzle, and to show off their name. My kids have fun talking and, working to put the puzzle together.



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