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Bathroom Routine
Grade Level(s): 1-2, 3-5
Submitted by: S. Buras

I have a double pocket chart next to my door. I have each pocket numbered with the students number on colorful stickers. On one side the helper places the lunch card and the other side is for bathroom stripes. I have two small boxes one holding strips of red paper and one holding strips of yellow paper. Each student is allowed one morning pass(red) and one afternoon pass (yellow). When a student needs to use the restroom he or she holds up one finger and when I acknowledge them, they place the appropriate color strip in their pocket. This allows me to look without interrupting the class to see how many times they have been but they can also look to see if they have already been. (Yes, they do forget) This has saved me many headaches and it has stopped the number of times they are leaving the room and it is quiet.



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