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Answer Cards
Submitted by: Claudia, Fourth Grade

Answer cards are a great way to involve an entire class and quickly see who's on the right track. Place inside a library book pocket 6 or more 3x5 notecards. Across the end of each card put one response. I use A, B, C, D, and YES, NO. You may want to add TRUE and FALSE or others you need. The students remove the cards they will need and hold their cards close so no one can see them. Then I state the question and answers, repeat once, then tell them to think (wait a few seconds.....), say "get your answer ready", "now, show me your answer". All answers must be held up at the same time. You can see in a second who needs help. If many are wrong say "put your cards back and let me give a clue." Then repeat the steps. The kids love this and they feel successful and involved. BONUS! I've done this several times during evaluations and I never fail to get extra credit for student involvement and motivation.



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