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Dipping for Dollars
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5
Submitted by: Trudy

I've used a behavior technique called "Dipping for Dollars" for the last 3 years, and it really works! I have a large plastic jar filled with fake coins (make sure the kids can't see through it). Every child who has good behavior during a day gets to take a dip from the jar the next morning. I also give dips for random acts of kindness, showing responsibility, good citizenship and quality work. Each child has a small plastic box to store their money in. Every morning when they get their dips (if they deserve any) they also trade pennies for nickels, nickels for dimes etc... When a child has saved up $5.00 they can turn it in for one of these rewards: 20 minutes of free time, a pack of chewing gum, sit by a friend for a day, or sit at the teacher's desk for a day. Each day that the entire class gets a dip someone reaches into a container and draws out a poker chip that has a number 5 or 10 on it. When the class has accumulated 200 "Party Points" we plan a class party! Last year we had an ice cream party, a popcorn party, a Pokemon party, and a game day party. The kids really like this, it's inexpensive, and not a lot of work. Another great benefit is that when it comes time to teach a money unit in math it's a snap, because the kids have been counting and trading their money every day of the year!



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